Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Here We Go

Well, Jessica finally talked me into blogging. With me quitting work in a few months to be a stay at home mom, and having 2 kids to tend to I wasn't sure how much time I would have to keep up with everyone that I email and chat with now in my free time at work. So...thanks Jess for convincing me to finally start a blog.

The countdown has begun...only 29 more days of work, if I make it that long. :) I'm pretty excited to be able to stay at home after this pregnancy. I wasn't able to financially after Parker and I guess it was my first day back to work after my maternity leave that I realized that I really wanted to be at home watching Parker (and future kids) grow up.

Now God has blessed Jeremy with a great job working for a wonderful Christian couple, Mr. Sidney and Mrs. Laura Shaw. The company has grown alot in the short time he's been there and God has provided, through this job, an opportunity for me to stay home while Jeremy gets to work for people he enjoys being with at a job that he really likes and is good at!

I'll have some maternity pictures to post in the next week or two. Lisa, a good friend of mine from childhood, and I recently got back in touch with each other and she does photography so we benefitted from the fact that she needed more maternity pictures for her portfolio. We had a good time catching up and being able to get some good family pictures. For now...here's the most recent picture that I have of our family. It's from almost a year ago.

Taken at Hermann Park in Houston by Jeremy's cousin

Okay...I love to share pictures so here are a few more.

Easter 2008

Parker noticing one of the Easter eggs the guys hid way up high

Parker...having a blast riding his bike

Brooklyn Grayce, due June 11


Jessica Adams said...

I am so glad you did this!! You will have fun writing and we will have fun reading and keeping up on what your family is doing!!! Can't wait to see you in a couple months!!!

ktriley said...

Hey! This is such a neat thing! It's great to get to hear about everything that's going on. What a pretty name you guys pick for your little girl!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting me know about
your blogspot. I always enjoy
reading about the family and the
pictures make it special.