Tuesday, April 28, 2009


I finally downloaded pictures from my mom's camera so here they are...

Brooklyn's baby dedication

Here are a few from Georgia...

Halloween...carving pumpkins. Jeremy's costume scared a few kids.

Okay, I think that is it for old pictures. We're celebrating Parker and Jeremy's birthday this weekend. We're going to the park again. I asked Parker what he wanted to do for his birthday and he said that he wanted to play...easy enough. It's so hard to believe he's going to be 4...wow, time flies. He's getting so big and says the funniest things.
Easter was fun. It was Brooklyn's first Easter. She wasn't interested in too much. She found two eggs and would just hit them together for awhile and throw them down and pick them up again. Parker loved it of course. Parker loved dying the eggs too but Brooklyn threw them down so hard they would crack...so we didn't let her hold the real eggs.

Well, I guess I'm going to end for now. Brooklyn is fussy and Parker is waiting to watch a movie on the computer.

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