Thursday, October 29, 2009

The Past Several Months

Well, I guess I'll start with the most recent things that have happened and see if how far I can go back.

Brooklyn and Parker had a rough day on Monday. Brooklyn was climbing into her stroller and fell back onto Parker. Her head hit his and there was much drama! They both were crying, I had to get out the Tylenol because I knew they would both have headaches. Then later she fell and skinned her nose on the carpet. I couldn't believe that she got carpet burn on her nose. Now my sweet little girl is going to have a scab on her nose in all of her halloween pictures. Oh well.

Parker is going to be a cowboy for Halloween and Brooklyn is going to be an Indian. They both look so cute in their costumes. They dressed up in their costumes last weekend for Jonah's first birthday party but we didn't get any good pictures. Maybe we'll have better luck on Saturday. I'll post some pictures when I get some.

We carved our pumpkin on to come (I have to get them off of my mom's camera). Parker wasn't too excited about getting out the "guts". He looked in and scrunched up his nose, wrinkled his forehead and said...that is gross. Jeremy got them both involved and they ended up enjoying it. Brooklyn was a little messy though. She liked reaching in and grabbing the stuff out, but when she couldn't get it all off of her hands, she would sling her hands around and pumpkin innerds would go flying. It was a mess, but the kids had a good time.

Parker is turning into a funny little story teller. We were in the car coming home a few days ago he says momma, paige was so confused today...listen, this is going to be funny. :) That made me laugh...a little 4 year old telling me to listen to his story because it's going to be funny. Silly boy. The things he says are so funny. He went out to eat with Jeremy and his parents a week ago while I went to a scapbook night at the church. When we all got home I asked him what he had for supper. He told me that he had sliced cow.

Brooklyn is getting to be a little sassy lately. She definitely likes things done her way. She tries pulling me all over the house and will point to what she wants. She jabbers but really is speaking some other language. She has her words she says...paci, milk, eye, cheek...and several others, but for the most part she speaks a different language. Her newest thing is to climb onto something she's not supposed to when I'm not looking and says "I tall". Yes, sweet get down. She has so sense of fear. She is wild, adventurous and crazy. She is fun and a sweet little girl (most of the time).

Jeremy is on the deer lease with my dad this year so he and Parker have really been helping my dad out. Parker loves to be pops helper. Parker and Jeremy were meeting my dad out at the lease one Saturday morning. I gave him a pack of goldfish crackers and told him to put it in his pocket so the deer couldn't get it. He said, silly momma...deer are scared of people. Wow, I didn't know that he knew that.

My grandmother and brother came down a few months ago. Gene had a conference in Houston and it was close to my birthday so grandmom came down and we all celebrated. It was fun. We took the kids to play outside...their favorite place to be. Jeremy had drained the pool and cleaned it because we found a dead squirrel in it. He had turned it over to let the bottom dry and before he got it put up it rained. The kids had so much fun playing in the pool with the little bit of water that had accumulated on it from the rain. I remember as a kid though, we loved playing in the pool after we cleaned it out and were filling it back up. It was a big slip and slide...good memories.

Mom and I are doing children's choir at church for the 4 and 5 year olds. Oh my goodness. I didn't realize how much of a challenge that was going to be. Those kids have an attention span that last about 30 seconds. I feel exhausted after an hour with them. The kids are so cute though learning their songs. They have a good time. We have between 7-10 kids usually.

Brooklyn has started to try and feed herself which has made for a lot of frustration on my part and alot of mess on her part. I got this cute picture of her using her spoon. Notice the shirt says everyone loves a brown eyed girl. Not sure what I was thinking when I bought that shirt because as you can see in the picture, her eyes are not brown. I didn't even think anything about it until I got home and showed Jeremy and he said something about that didn't really apply to Brooklyn...I thought about it. Oh my goodness...she has blue eyes. What was I thinking. She's the only one in the family that has blue eyes (except for my brother), I totally forgot. Temporary memory loss.

We're pretty excited about Thanksgiving this year. We are going to Georgia. Mom is going to fly with Parker on Tuesday the week of Thanksgiving and we'll probably get there early Thursday morning...hopefully. We'll split the trip up into two days. Jeremy has family in Mississippi so it works out great to stop there and get some sleep and finish up early the next morning. We don't get to see Amy and her family much so we're excited when we get the chance to see them.

Well, I think that I'm going to wrap it up for today. I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend.

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