Thursday, December 11, 2008

Fun In The Snow

I was trying to get Brooklyn calmed down and to sleep last night when I got a few calls...IT'S SNOWING!! Parker was excited, we went out and played for about an hour but after we came in it started snowing even harder. I haven't seen snow this good in Dayton since I was a kid. It was great!! I got a ton of pictures of the yard and house, here are a few...

Parker and I went out this morning with Brooklyn. I had her all bundled up with her little hat, mittens and jacket. She kept putting her mittens in the snow and licking them. She did pretty good until her mittens kept falling off and she would cry. Her little fingers were so cold so I brought her in. Here are a few pics of the kids...

We went to a Christmas tree farm in New Caney on Sunday. I told Parker that we were going to get our Christmas tree and he said something about cutting it down. We've gone and picked one out and cut it down every year since he's been born. Parker decided that he was in charge of the tape measure. He went around and measured the trees, calling out random numbers. Here are a few pictures...

1 comment:

Jessica Adams said...

That Brooklyn sure is a pretty little thing!!!