Sunday, January 11, 2009

Christmas, etc...

Alot has happened since I last posted so I'm going to try and remember everything.

Craig, Amy and the boys had an early Christmas vacation this year so we went up to Ft. Worth the weekend before Christmas to be able to spend a few days with them. The boys are so cute. Parker doesn't get to see them much anymore, but they always pick back up like they see each other all of the time. They all play so well together, I enjoy getting to see them spend time together. We enjoyed our visit...but as it is every time, it was way too short. Amy and Craig are doing good, enjoying Georgia. Hayden is in Kindergarten this year and seems to really be doing good. He seems like he likes school so that is good. Kyler's personality has changed so much. He was cracking me up wanting me to see his tricky spins and stuff. Paxton is such a cutie. He's got the biggest smile and eyes I've ever seen. They're all so cute, I wish we could see them more often.

We came home from Ft. Worth and I had Tuesday and Wednesday morning to finish getting everything ready for our Christmas with Jeremy's family (on Christmas Eve). We got a late start with that so it was rushed, but we still enjoyed it. We had to get back for the Candlelight service. I didn't get any pictures of that so I'll have to get some from Cindy and post those later.

We got home, let the kids open their Christmas jammies, and read a few books. Last year we decided that we wanted to get a different "Night Before Christmas" book every year and read that on Christmas eve after they open their jammies and put those on. We also found a kids book that explains the real meaning of Christmas, that we'll start reading with our Night Before Christmas book each year.

Parker still doesn't really understand about the gifts and it being Christmas. I remember as a kid, waking up SO early and getting my brother, sister and parents up, having cinnamon rolls and opening gifts. Parker woke up about 9:00 so we got to sleep in a little Christmas morning, it was nice. He didn't really have any reaction to anything that he got. Just opened the presents and put them to the side and asked if he could play computer games. Brooklyn didn't want to sit still long enough to try and open any presents. She just wanted to eat paper. It was a good Christmas though.

Later Christmas day we had my parents and brother over to do our Christmas with them. It was fun having Gene down to celebrate with us, it's been awhile since we've been able to celebrate Christmas with him. We opened presents, had dinner and stayed up VERY late playing cards. We had all decided to go shopping the next day to get some Christmas stuff half price. I had every intention on going, but when it came time to go...I couldn't do it. I only had one hour of sleep and I couldn't keep my eyes open. So Jeremy still went and got our Christmas lights for next year and a few other things. Mom stocked me up on wrapping paper, tags, bows, etc. since I always wrap all of her gifts. I enjoy wrapping presents.

Brooklyn loves playing with Parker. He does pretty good with her most of the time, but starts to get a little annoyed when she wants to climb on him. He pushed her down a few days ago and busted her lip. She was crying and I look over and her mouth is all bloody. She got over it pretty quick and was on the hunt for Parker. She was ready to play with him again.

I took Brooklyn to the doctor last week for her 6 month check up. She had to get shots, she did pretty good though. I didn't find out what her length was but she weighs 18 pounds now. She was only 14 pounds at her 4 month check up. She only gained 4 pounds in her first 4 months of life and the last 2 months she gained 4. Oh well, she's a healthy baby. I had her on the counter for the nurse to measure her and another nurse came by and commented on her chubby thighs.

Here's a few more pictures of the kids and a video of Parker teaching Brooklyn to roll a ball...

Hope that everyone has a great week!!

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