Friday, December 5, 2008

A Visit From Santa

It's so funny the things that happen in a small town. I was trying to scrapbook earlier and I heard sirens. I thought that maybe it was a volunteer fire fighter headed to a fire or something like that. I kept hearing them, so I look out the window and there are fire trucks coming down the road. I go and get Parker and we stand on the porch and watch them as they are coming down the road toward our house. They stop in front of the house and in the speaker thing they say...come see santa. I told them just a minute, Parker was in his underwear (I didn't tell them that). I got him dressed and we went to go see santa. There were 2 Kenefick Fire Trucks and a couple of regular trucks all decorated in lights.

Santa comes up in the driveway and gives Parker some candy canes, which he was very excited about. One of the fire fighters asked Parker if he'd been good this year and he says yes and then asked what he wanted for Christmas. Parker's answer was boots! That's what he wants this Of course we have already bought all of his Christmas presents. I guess that's what we'll get with any Christmas money he gets.

Here's a video of Parker writing to santa...(the camera is shaking a little because I was laughing)


Jessica Adams said...

I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. What a ham!!!!

Jessica Adams said...

Ok . . .I have watched this video at least 20 times . . .and I can't stop laughing. You need to get that boy some boots!!!