Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting So Behind

I haven't been doing as good about blogging since Parker got interested in the computer. He likes playing games on so anytime he sees me on the computer he thinks that he needs to be on playing games. Usually I make him wait until I'm done, but then I can't concentrate because he's in here asking me a million questions. Crazy boy!

We took Brooklyn to the doctor yesterday for her 4 month shots. Only 2 this time, thankfully. She did pretty good. She was drinking a bottle, I took it out of her mouth for the shots, it was over in a few seconds and she had a bottle again and quickly forgot about the pain. I took her with me running errands, we visited my friend Marnie that I worked with at Woodridge, saw baby Jonah and the rest of the Abshire family at the hospital, visited Jeremy at his office, went to Kohls to exchange some shoes and did a few other was quite a productive day. Brooklyn had two 10 minute naps and a 45 minute nap so I was very surprised that she wasn't cranky.

Got a pumpkin at Walmart the other day, Parker picked it out. I went shopping with both kids, not sure what I was thinking. It was an adventure that left me worn out when I got home. It's very hard to shop while pushing the shopping cart with one hand because I'm feeding Brooklyn a bottle in her car seat and checking on Parker every 5 seconds because he's decided that he knows what I need and is taking stuff of the shelf or is running and sliding down the aisle on his knees or following people around asking them questions. We got to the check out finally and I'm trying to tend to Brooklyn and I took over and Parker is taking the bags of groceries and throwing them in the basket. Good thing I already had the eggs over by Brooklyn so they didn't get crunched.

Angel and I have finally decided on a date for our garage sale and it's soon so I've been trying to clean out closets, drawers, cabinets, etc...anything I can find. It's looked a little disastrous around our house lately. We decided to go ahead and sell all of Parker's old clothes. Jeremy and I decided that we're fine with two kids. If we do decide on a third one we want to adopt and it won't be a baby so that is why we decided to go ahead and sell his baby clothes. It makes me a little sad though. I didn't think that it would bother me. Pulling out all of his old clothes, remembering him in them and knowing that we won't ever need them again. Oh well, no sense keeping them though. I would love to be able to just pass them along to someone, but I need some money to finish up my Christmas shopping.

Okay, I was debating on whether or not to tell this story...but I just have to, it was too funny. One day last week, I had just gotten out of the shower, gotten dressed and was headed into the living room. I hear Parker say...Brooklyn, look at this. I stopped in the doorway to see what this was all about. He had his heiny toward her and he mooned her. He thought that he was so funny doing that, he was laughing. I had to contain myself before I went in there and got onto him. It was so hilarious.

Well, I hear Brooklyn waking up so I better wrap this up. Hope that everyone has a great weekend.

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