Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Latest With The Kiddos

Well, we have spent the last week trying to get Brooklyn and Parker back into some sort of a routine from two weeks away from the house due to the hurricane. The first few days back were crazy, it seemed like the kids didn't like that there was just one person paying attention to them now.

Parker and I finally got to go outside for more than just to get into the car to leave, since we've been back. The mosquitos have been terrible since the hurricane. The city has come by 3 times that I know of to spray and I think that it's finally working. We still got a few bites, but it was so much worse last week. I was trying to clean up the porch and trim my plants and of course Parker wanted to help. Then we blew bubbles for awhile and we came in.

We went to the library to return Parker's books and movies that were due a week ago. We came by to return them when they were due and there was a sign up saying that they were closed due to the hurricane. Then it took me a week to get back up there to do it. :) Thankfully she didn't charge us the late fees.

As we were leaving the library, Parker wanted to go by my mom's school to see if she was there. We pulled up to the school and parked right next to the handicapped spot. Parker said momma, look...that man is sitting on a circle, he better be careful or he'll fall off. I thought that was so random until I looked over and saw that he was talking about the handicapped sign. So funny!

Parker has gotten a mean streak all of a sudden. Monday, he hit Brooklyn on the head with a plastic racket and yesterday he hit her hand with a flashlight. He hit her head hard enough to leave a bruise, she screamed for about 10 minutes before I could get her calmed down. I hear her scream and then I automatically hear Parker saying, it's okay Brooklyn, it was an accident. I don't think that he means to hurt her, he just plays so rough.

Brooklyn is bound to have some teeth coming through the gums soon. She is drooling like crazy and chewing on her hands. Her little thumbs are so red from her chewing on them all of the time. She's not fussy though so that is good.

She rolled over for the first time on Saturday and I can't get her to do it again. She pulls her legs up toward her chest and will roll to the side but then as soon as she puts her legs back down she rolls on her back again.

Gene and Grandmom came down Thursday night to celebrate my birthday over the weekend. We had a good time. My brother thought that he was so funny getting me a card that said "60" on it. Then he wrote on the inside...just think, you're half way there. So sweet!

Grandmom got Brooklyn laughing, it was so cute. Here's a video.

Parker has really started picking up songs quick. I'll Fly Away Oh Glory came on the radio a couple of days ago and he started singing it. His version though is I'll Fly Away Oh Dory. He really surprised us when Brandon Heath's song, Give Me Your Eyes, came on and he started singing it. Brings my heart joy! :)


Jessica Adams said...

I need to see you guys again!!!! I miss you! Hope you had a great birthday . . .despite Gene's attempt to be funny! Brooklyn is getting so big, how fun!

Melissa said...

I just have one question - There's a jar of Tony Cachere's on the table next to your cake...Doesn't seem like a good topping!!! :-)