Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Polka-dotted Baby Girl

Sunday night we noticed that Brooklyn has some red spots on her. We put some cream on it and Monday morning they were worse. They had become raised and were all over her legs, thighs, shoulder and face. Her feet and thighs were starting to swell. I was beginning to get a little worried because throughout the day they would seem as thought they were going away and then they would pop back up in a different spot.

Finally, about 4:00 PM yesterday, I called the doctor's office and made an appointment for her for today. I thought that she had an allergic reaction to sweet potatoes. That was the only thing different that I could think of that she'd been exposed to in the last few days. As I was putting her to bed last night, it clicked...oh yeah, I had accidentally washed her clothes with our detergent instead of her baby detergent. I changed her into some pajamas washed in her detergent and the spots were gone this morning. I guess she has some kind of allergy to something in that detergent or she's just got extremely sensitive skin. Well, mystery solved.

Jeremy's parents were already planning on keeping Parker today since we were going to be headed to the dr. so I took him over there this morning so I could get stuff done at the house. I ended up leaving Brooklyn there too so I'm at the house now and it is SO quiet, it's great...now I can get stuff done.

It is such nasty weather outside. It's been raining almost all day. Our yard is flooded, it's crazy. I heard it's supposed to keep raining through Thursday, I hope not!! I went outside earlier when there was a break in the rain. I went into the shed to fix a piece of tin on the roof that had blown up from Hurricane Ike. I got the ladder out, climbed to the top and pulled the piece of tin back down...not even thinking of the fact that the piece of tin would be collecting water. I should have seen that one coming, but didn't even think about it. I pulled it down and got soaked...and that water was so cold.

Well, I probably should get back to my photos. Have a great day!!

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