Friday, November 7, 2008

Let's Go Fishin'

We went to the Fall Festival at the church again this year. Parker loved playing the games, I got a few pictures of him playing, but his hat was so big that you can't see his face in any of them. The Fall Festival wasn't on Halloween this year because with it being on a Friday and there being a football game they were worried that we wouldn't have enough youth volunteers to help out with the games. So, Parker got to hand out candy on Halloween which he thought was very fun! Every time that he heard a knock on the door, he'd throw down whatever he was holding at the time and run to the door.

Well, with Randy's last Sunday being next week we wanted to make sure that he dedicated Brooklyn before he left. He's dedicating his grandson, Jonah, on his last Sunday so Brooklyn will be this Sunday. I took some cute pictures of her in a tutu that heather brought over that paige had outgrown. The pictures turned out cute.

I've been working alot the last few days on getting Randy's video together for his reception. I am so happy for him that he's following God's call to go into missions, but we will miss him so much! There are so many great memories of him as youth minister and pastor at the church. It's been 20 great years.

Well, I better wrap up now. I need to head to the grocery store and the library. Hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend!! Here are a few more pics before I head out...

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