Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Fun Long Weekend

We enjoyed our long weekend, we didn't do anything Friday night, but made up for it the rest of the weekend. Saturday morning we went to Aaron and Justin Walters' Open House. We stayed there until about 2:00 PM. We had already seen their new house, but not all decorated. It looked very nice, they really seem to be enjoying it! Parker got in the pool but stayed on the steps...except for that one time. :) He reached out to get a flower that was floating in the pool and slipped and couldn't get his head back above water. Jeremy VERY quickly went in after him. Parker got over being scared pretty quick and was playing on the steps again.

Jeremy and Heather came over Saturday evening. JJ (which is what he goes by when him and his cousin are around each other...less confusion) grilled ribs...which were very good...and we just sat around and talked and they wanted to check out Wii Fit.

Sunday, Heather and Mike came over with Paige and Carson and the kids played with every toy in the house I'm pretty sure and we ate and started playing cards. We put a few movies on for the kids, they sat still for the most part and we played a few more card games.

We went to my parents house yesterday for Labor Day and dad grilled chicken, sausage and a few other things. Parker enjoyed playing over there for several hours. He doesn't go over there as much now that mom is back in school and I'm staying at home with the kids. We got home about 6:00 so I put Parker in the tub to play while I bathed Brooklyn in her little tub beside him. I got Brooklyn out, handed her to Jeremy and finished giving Parker a bath. He was squirting his water gun (or gunner as he calls it) and it was getting me wet. I told him to stop and he didn't so I popped him. He looked at me, very serious, and said...that wasn't a real pop. I popped him harder and asked him if that was a real pop. He looked at me and said no, so I started to pop him again and he quickly changed his answer to yes. I told Jeremy about that last night and he was cracking up. Parker is so crazy.

This morning I was changing Brooklyn's diaper and I had to go to the bathroom so I asked Parker to watch her. He does really good with her. As soon as I got in the bathroom I asked Parker if he was still watching her. He said that he had lost her...you lost her? He says, just kidding mommy, I'm teasing you. Oh my goodness, that boy acts just like his daddy...it's scary.

I finally downloaded the pictures from when we went to Gene's so here are some of the kids there and some of his house.

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