Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Counting Down

So...only 6 more days of work and 15 days until Brooklyn's due date. I'm getting excited, it finally seems like it's getting close.

I had planned to get online Thursday after my appointment to let everyone know how it went, but it ended up being a crazy day. I got to the doctor's office early (doesn't happen very often) and the nurse told me that the doctor was at the hospital delivering a baby, but he'd be back in 30-45 minutes. So, I figured I'd wait instead of trying to schedule another appointment...since I was already there anyway.

20 Minutes went by and the nurse came out to let everyone know it would be at least another 45 minutes before he got there. In no rush to get back to work, I decided to wait. They called me back about 10 minutes later, which really surprised me. The nurse came in, weighed me, took my blood pressure and we listened to the baby's heartbeat. I figured I'd be waiting in the room until the doctor got back. Oh no...a few minutes later in walks my old doctor. It was a little awkward. I just stopped going to him at the beginning of this pregnancy and he was saying stuff like, I haven't seen you in awhile, it's good to see you...those type things. I just smiled and didn't really say anything.

Anyway, he checked me and I wasn't dialated yet. The nurse had noticed that I had edema pretty bad...which at the time I had no idea what that meant, I came back to work and looked it up. It's basically just retaining water. I just asked her if that was bad but she didn't seem to think so since my blood pressure was good! So, I asked the doctor about that and he said it was normal and not to worry about it. The doctor told me to come back in a week to make an appointment with him. I guess he doesn't realize I've switched doctors. My doctor is out of town so I scheduled again with the doctor that I went in to see on Thursday...hopefully he'll be there this time. I have an appointment scheduled for Thursday, May 29 and then Monday, June 9. That should be it. The 9th is 2 days before the due date so that better be the last appointment.

Jeremy and I enjoyed our day off yesterday. Got to spend time with family. It was so hard waking up to come in to work this morning though. I just wanted to climb back in bed for another couple of hours.

I've been having a little trouble sleeping the last few weeks. Well, once I get to sleep I sleep great, it's just getting to sleep. I used to fall asleep the second my head hit the pillow but lately I just lay there awake...wishing that I was asleep. It's not even like I'm laying there thinking of stuff I need to get done or buy for Brooklyn or anything like that. I just lay there, no thoughts in my head, other than how I wish I was already asleep. Typically I'll just get up and do stuff around the house and that gets me tired. I'm SO ready for a good night's sleep again. Hopefully Brooklyn will be a good sleeper like Parker always was.

Well, I guess that I better get busy at work since there are so many things on my list that I need to get done before I leave next week. I hope that everyone has a great week!

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