Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Routine is Good!!

Well, we haven't gotten Parker in his whole routine yet but we're working on it. Brooklyn though...thankfully is getting into a routine. We put her to bed about 10:00 and she doesn't wake up until 7:30 AM now. WOO HOO. It was 4:00-5:30 AM that she was waking up. She's finally gotten more predictable with her day. She's staying awake more now so when she wakes up at 7:30, she usually drinks her bottle within 5-10 minutes and stays up for just 30 minutes at the most, goes back to sleep until about 10:00 AM and from then on she usually stays up for about an hour and a half and sleeps for about 2 1/2 to 3 hours. It's working out great.

I decided that I was going to set my alarm and wake up before Jeremy and get my shower and get dressed so I'll be ready for the day before the kids get up. This morning was my first attempt...and it went well, except for the fact that I forgot to turn my alarm off so when I was in the shower it kept going off while Jeremy was trying to sleep...oops.

Jeremy is having troubles with sinuses or allergies...not sure which it is. I feel so bad for him because I can tell he feels crummy. He fell asleep last night about 8:00, I woke him up around 11:30 to go to bed and he went right back to sleep and didn't wake up until 7:00 this morning...and he still didn't feel rested when he woke up. He's taking so much medicine it's making him tired I guess. I'm going to Walgreens later and get him something stronger that he won't have to take as often and will hopefully kick this out of his system. So, while he's not feeling good, I'm taking advantage of beating his scores on Wii Fit because he doesn't feel like getting on there to TRY and beat me again. :)

I have to take the kids to the doctor on Thursday. Brooklyn has to get her 2 month shots and Parker just has a 3 year check up...yes, I know...he turned 3 in May, so I'm a little behind. Jeremy is going to meet me up there so luckily I will have a little help. Then I have to run a few errands with them, that ought to be fun. I don't go over that way much so when I do, I try and get everything done in one day.
Brooklyn is really enjoying being a big girl...at least she thinks she's a big girl. She loves being in the jumperoo. She likes it better now that it lights up...I finally put batteries in it. I got this cute picture of her in it a few days ago. She gets so excited about everything, it's so cute. I put her in it mostly because she pushes so hard against me with her feet that I thought that she could develop those muscles more if she had a better surface to push off of. She likes it for a longer period of time if Parker or I are in there watching her.

I took Parker to the library yesterday and he enjoyed it. He picked out 6 books and 4 movies. He just randomly goes down the rows in the kids section and pulls books out, he doesn't care what they are. This week's selections...Open House for Butterflies, The Meanest Thing To Say, The Magic Moonberry Jump Ropes, Milo and the Magical Stones, 3 Little Pigs, and a book of nursery rhymes. He is so crazy. I try to get him to pick Veggie Tales, Arthur or something like that but he never likes my choices. That's fine. He picks what he wants and he actually sits and listens to the stories so that's really the point of going and getting books. Usually I read him the story once and then he wants to read it to me. He looks at the pages and makes up the story from there.
Here is a cute video of Parker and Brooklyn talking to each other...he's taught her well. I guess she was mad because we weren't understanding her because her "talking" turned into fussing.

Oh, when I was downloading the other video to my computer I found this one too. It's so funny. I'm not sure if you can hear what Parker is saying at first but then he says it louder. He's whispering to Brooklyn that "Daddy is a knucklehead".

Well, I guess I better go wash Brooklyn's bottles before she wakes up hungry. Have a good day!!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm so glad you're updating your blog! I LOVE the pictures and videos. It's nice to be able to keep up with you that way, since I don't get to see you often! Have fun with your Wii Fit. I have the Wii, but no Wii Fit. I'm hoping to get it for Christmas this year!! :-)